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4 Ways a Customer Portal Makes Salesforce & WordPress a Winning Fusion

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is synonymous to the brand Salesforce. It’s the first name that pops up whenever there is any chatter about CRM. They have set the standard for the whole industry to follow. As of 2019, they will complete their two decades into the business. Two whole decades!

One can safely assume they know what they are doing. Moreover, last year, it was the best company to work for, according to Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. So, you could only imagine the kind of talent working there to keep Salesforce at the top.

Similarly, when you talk about Content Management System (CMS), people are bound to think of WordPress, a company that is five years junior to Salesforce but has a similar reputation in the market. Almost anyone who has ever wanted to set up a quick blog has used WordPress. Needless to say, it is equally popular as Salesforce, for what it provides to the users.

Now imagine the possibilities with the combined power of Salesforce and WordPress.

On Salesforce, you are managing your internal & customer data and on WordPress, you are managing your website content. But how do you create a synergy between the two software? Moreover, more importantly, how can you add the customers in this synergy and create an enhanced experience for them?

All these questions have one answer. A Salesforce Customer Portal.

Of course, we won’t just say these words and let you do all the research. We have listed down 4 ways a Salesforce Customer Portal will help you meet your business goals.

1. Activity & Record Tracking

A customer portal’s main purpose is to keep your customers in the loop with all the related activities that your organization is carrying out. They will be able to access & keep records of all the activities such as purchase records, contracts, calls, etc. This will reduce the efforts of your support team, which eventually will result in lower customer acquisition costs.

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